Food Truck Application

Food Vendor application

Please complete this request to be considered for the 2025 Columbus Commons Season:

Food Truck Food Court – Every Thursday from 11am-2pm, May through October. Columbus Commons hosts 6 staple food vendors and 2 rotating options that change each month. 

Breakfast Food Court – To accompany our Food Truck Food Court Series, we also offer a breakfast food court on Wednesdays from 7:30am-10:30am.

Taco Tuesday – New this year, Taco Tuesdays will occur on the first Tuesday of the Month from 11am – 2pm

Concerts – Columbus Commons is more than a park — we’re also a concert venue! We host a number of national, regional and local acts throughout the season, and food vendors are needed to feed the crowd.

Family Events – We frequently activate our space with family programming and book food vendors for our patrons to partake in while enjoying the activities. Activities range from family-themed movie nights, to daytime festivals.

Events at Bicentennial Park and other Downtown locations – Our team will occasionally activate Bicentennial Park and other Downtown locations with events and food vendors. We are always willing to share our favorite food vendors with our neighbors, clients and partners.  

Food Truck Application

What events are you interested in?(Required)
Which side do you serve food?(Required)
Are you able to accept orders within the Street Food Finder application?(Required)
Is your vehicle a food truck. a trailer, a cart, or other?(Required)
We require insurance coverage and a copy of the certificate listing our organizations as additional insured. Required limits are $1MM occurrence/$2MM aggregate Commercial General, $1MM Automobile, $1MM Umbrella. Are you able to meet this requirement?(Required)
Food trucks are required to provide walkoff mats at each event. One is to be placed at the service window and another is to be placed in the condiment area to protect the surface in Columbus Commons. Do you have mats to meet this requirement?(Required)
Food vendors are required to pass Columbus Division of Fire Inspection at each event. Are you able to meet this requirement?(Required)
Food trucks are required to run off of their own TRUCK-MOUNTED generator. Do you have a truck-mounted generator?(Required)
Does your business identify as any of the following?